It's about time for an update! : Plup World Blog

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Your best source of Plups and what they do!

Welcome to the world of Plups!  The cute, cuddly creatures that like to eat peaches! This website will eventually have games, clothing, gardening supplies and toys for children!

If you are a fan we will even have a page where you can draw Plups!  Check out our games like Hide And Don't Peak!

Look for Plups but watch out for Lups!  If there's one thing for sure you'll have loads of fun on!

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It's about time for an update!

by P.J. on 02/27/14

  I am sorry for the big update delay. I forget my password and had to have my mom log me on. But anyways, I have added some more species of plups and am trying to find out how to add a real game. So if I do, it should be really cool.

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