PJ Here : Plup World Blog

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Your best source of Plups and what they do!

Welcome to the world of Plups!  The cute, cuddly creatures that like to eat peaches! This website will eventually have games, clothing, gardening supplies and toys for children!

If you are a fan we will even have a page where you can draw Plups!  Check out our games like Hide And Don't Peak!

Look for Plups but watch out for Lups!  If there's one thing for sure you'll have loads of fun on PlupWorld.com!

PJ Here

by P.J. on 04/29/13

Thanks for all your comments!

Comments (12)

1. Olivia said on 4/30/13 - 01:52PM
hi, P.J. I REALLY like Plupworld! (:
2. Ian.V said on 5/8/13 - 04:47PM
3. Ian.V said on 5/8/13 - 04:53PM
GGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOO PPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. LukeS said on 5/8/13 - 05:23PM
HI i like your website
5. AidenAwesome said on 5/9/13 - 04:22AM
Nice job on Plupworld, PJ! It's cool already! GO PLUPS!
6. AidenAwesome said on 5/9/13 - 01:52PM
Hey, it's me. Someone tell LukeS to put some exclamation in his writing! -AidenAwesome
7. AidenAwesome said on 5/9/13 - 01:54PM
(: Love Plupworld! So Cool!(:
8. Olivia the Odd said on 5/9/13 - 02:07PM
Hey, P.J. I have a bit of your b-day peach here. Not the cake, the pinyata. By the way, your b-day party was stupendous and fun! I think Plupworld is, like, the BEST thing ever!
9. josie said on 5/16/13 - 12:38AM
it's 3:35 in the morning but i'm still proud of you, plupworld is a big acheviment i'm sorry for doubting you. -josie
10. Susan M. said on 5/21/13 - 04:31PM
This is an amazing feat for a young boy. Keep inventing!
11. Gen the sock said on 12/30/13 - 12:39PM
Plups are awesome
12. ianv (hi pj) said on 1/27/14 - 02:15PM
Gteat job buddy keep on goin

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