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Your best source of Plups and what they do!

Welcome to the world of Plups!  The cute, cuddly creatures that like to eat peaches! This website will eventually have games, clothing, gardening supplies and toys for children!

If you are a fan we will even have a page where you can draw Plups!  Check out our games like Hide And Don't Peak!

Look for Plups but watch out for Lups!  If there's one thing for sure you'll have loads of fun on PlupWorld.com!

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Welcome to Plup World!

by P.J. on 04/24/13

To all people nice enough to visit my website, thanks.

Comments (11)

1. jack silva said on 4/24/13 - 05:03PM
i like how you used a lot of imagination. go plups!!!!
2. jack silva said on 4/24/13 - 05:06PM
p.j, this is the best website in the world
3. liam walter said on 4/26/13 - 12:07PM
Hey PJ ya realay jacked it this time
4. Liam the great said on 4/26/13 - 12:12PM
I've tried a bazilion times to create a website and failed. SOS!!!!!!
5. mia wegher said on 4/26/13 - 01:56PM
p.j. you did a really good job on your website!
6. Asha R. said on 4/29/13 - 12:44PM
I think plups rock! All the species of plups are very creative. I'm a good drawer, so if you need more drawings, just contact me in school. Go plups!
7. Daddy said on 4/29/13 - 06:47PM
I'm so proud of you for setting up this website!
8. jacksilva said on 5/3/13 - 06:52AM
I like how you took plups this far!
9. LukeS said on 5/8/13 - 04:58PM
10. Olivia the Odd said on 5/9/13 - 02:12PM
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! Again. Bye the way, do you know what "HI" means? It is utter nonsense that speaks about saying helloe in a stort way. Many perfer hi because it is SSSOOOO much cooler than the regualr hello, how are you. Why am i saying this?
11. Internet explorerer dude said on 6/11/13 - 03:10PM
I think you put the pictures in the game section, but that's okay. I just want to know if you could tell me how to get to the games. Thanks!

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